Zhang Yang

  • 网络张扬;张阳;张杨;张洋
Zhang YangZhang Yang
  1. Narrative Mode : Return to the Tradition & An Analysis of Zhang Yang ′ s Films


  2. Now , film director Zhang Yang said , these artists are ' better known in China than most movie stars . '


  3. Falsification : Likelihood and Necessity in Social Science Research-A Discussion with Zhang Yang


  4. Bundles of Contradiction Multiple Vision & Criticism of the Relationship between Father and Son in Zhang Yang 's Films


  5. Go straight along Zhang Yang Road and through Fu Xing Road Tunnel , easier access to Downtown Pudong and even Puxi .


  6. In Zhang Yang emotional life , while neo-classical poetry is to look back to the way local frame build a bridge leading to the classical culture .


  7. By using the methods both culture criticism and business studies , I start this thesis from narration , and analyze the narrative mode behind Zhang Yang ′ s business success in the box office .


  8. Zhang Yang , 20 , a sophomore at Shenyang University , will be excited when he sees war films showing soldiers ' heroic actions and their comradeship .


  9. Zhang Yang , principal of the Xiabamiao Middle School in Xiabamiao township , Sichuan Province , which recently ended its partnership with Liren , said the termination was simply a staffing adjustment .


  10. Rather than test-taking skills , Zhang Yang , 23 , a business administration major at Anhui Jianzhu University who once took a one-month TOEFL training course , says she benefited from the atmosphere most .


  11. Generals Zhang and Yang ordered their troops to storm Huaquingchi , Chiang Kai-shek 's residence in Xi'an , and put him under house arrest .


  12. Why are Zhang Ziyi and Yang Ziqiong famous in Hollywood ?


  13. Qingling Zhang , Dongmei Yang , Analysis and Control for Uncertain Descriptor Systems , Northeastern University Press , Shenyang , 2003 .


  14. Zhang Ling and Zhang Yang together have provided us with many good translation works and they make a great contribution to our translation course , but the studies on their translation are few .


  15. China 's team of Sun Linlin , Wang Meng , Zhang Hui and Zhou Yang leaped in joy when they were announced as Olympic champions .


  16. However , it is cheered that some Chinese athletes such as Zhang Lin and Sun Yang promoted their performance step by step , greatly improving the level of men's200m freestyle of China .


  17. Moreover , although there are considerable limitations and defects in this thesis , the studies on Zhang Ling and Zhang Yang are few in number and this thesis provides us with a new study point .


  18. As female translators , Zhang Ling & Zhang Yang translate the works with strong feminist awareness , hence they are more sensitive when they encounter some gender related words or concepts .
